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Azure Storage Account access

The information in this page is provided as an aid only. While accurate at the time of publication, the details provided by Microsoft are subject to change without notice.

When using the MAPIT application, access to Azure Storage is required from the machine where MAPIT is installed, and from the target SharePoint site(s). If you have enabled public access or provided white-listed IP addresses and are still getting migration errors in MAPIT, the following information may be helpful:

  • It may take up to 24 hours (usually less) after enabling public network access or providing whitelisted IP addresses for these changes to actually take effect.

  • The Azure Storage account provides options for troubleshooting. After accessing the Azure Storage account, expand Data Storage and select Queues. Select a queue on the right, click into it, then choose Diagnose and solve problems. There are several options to select from that may provide helpful information or answers.

    Where to Troubleshoot Azure Storage communications.png
  • The main dashboard page for the Azure Storage account also includes a link for Diagnose and solve problems that may be helpful.

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