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Connection settings information for Content Server

Content Server Migration Tool to Network Drives (aka Content Server Export Tool) and Content Server Discovery and Analytics require certain information to connect to Content Server.

Content Server Discovery and Analytics Tool

While these settings can be found in Content Server at Content Server->Admin->Content Server Administration->Database Administration->Maintain Current Database (this location may change based on the actual version of Content Server installed at the client), the password is not included and should be obtained from the client’s IT/Content Server team.

Content Server Migration Tool to Network Drives

Sample Information Screen

The Web Services component is deployed in IIS (.NET) or Tomcat (Java). The first part of the URL should be a hostname for the machine hosting IIS or Tomcat (cs162dev in the image above). The second part is a given service mapping name, which defaults to cws (and cws-rm if Records Management is enabled).

If you don’t know the Application Server URL (Tomcat or IIS), login to Content Server and view the URL of the page (see image below). The first part of the Content Server URL (in this example: is the URL you need for web services combined with the mapping name (cws and/or cws-rm).

CS URL (003)-20240112-205735.png

Sample Content Server hostname

In general, use the defaults. An administrator can override these defaults using config files. In the case of this override, the administrator will be needed to provide the alternate values.

Note: If your Web App Server is IIS, select .NET. If it is Tomcat, then select Java.

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